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  • Miniatura per Cecrope
    mitologgia grieca e rummana, nu cecròpe (grieco antico Κύκλωψ, latino Cyclops, taliano Ciclòpe) è n’ommo gigante mostruoso cu n’uocchio sulo ô centro...
    512 byte (43 parole) - 14:04, 24 lug 2019

Scopri i dati sull'argomento

Cyclops: genus of crustaceans
Cyclops: fictional character in Marvel Comics
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: 2003 Animated film by Tim Johnson and Patrick Gilmore
Double-eyed Fig Parrot: species of bird
Cyclops: ancient Greek satyr play by Euripides
Zaglossus attenboroughi: species of mammal