Risultato d"a recerca

  • Miniatura per Cristo
    Messia inviato 'e Dio ppe a' realizzazione ddo Regno dde Cieli. Cristologgie è o' nomme 'e ll"area dda teologia ca' studia e definisce a' nature 'e Giesù....
    853 byte (94 parole) - 16:46, 11 Abb 2018

Scopri i dati sull'argomento

Calvinism: grouping of secondary theological beliefs within Protestant Christianity
seminary: institution for educating students in theology
Christian theology: study of Christian belief and practice
Catholic theology: study of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church
Mormonism: religious tradition and theology founded by Joseph Smith
systematic theology: orderly, rational, and coherent account of the doctrines of the Christian faith