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- Saint-Dié-des-Vosges è na cità d’’a Franza. 1507 : Universalis Cosmographia (Martin Waldseemüller) Cattedrale Chiésa 'e San Martino Museo Pierre-Noël...2 KB (104 parole) - 14:48, 24 Abb 2019
Scopri i dati sull'argomento
Universal Esperanto Association: international organization of Esperanto speakers
Unitarian Universalism: Christian denomination formed in 1961 by the merger of the Unitarians and the Universalists
Encyclopædia Universalis: French-language general encyclopedia published by Encyclopædia Britannica
station wagon: auto body-style with its roof extended rearward (like in SUVs, hatchbacks, and minivans)
validity: logical correctness of an argument's steps, regardless of the truth of the premises
universalism: philosophical and theological concept that some ideas have universal application or applicability