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pe spartere – pe' cupià, distribbuì e trasmettere 'a fatica
p'ammescà – pe' putè adatta 'a fatica
Sott' 'e cundiziune ccà abbascio:
attribbuzione – Avite a dà criéreto, nu cullegamiento â licienza, e avite a dicere si nce avite cagnato quacche cosa. 'O pputite fà comme vulite, ma nun putite fà ntènnere ca chi tène 'a licienza ve sustene a vuje o â fatica vosta.
sparte eguale – Si vuje cagnate, trasformate o fravecate coccosa ncopp'a sta fatica, allora avíte a distribbuì 'a fatica fatta cu 'a stessa licienza o na licienza cumpatibbele a chella origgenale.
The uploader of this file has agreed to the Wikimedia Foundation 3D patent license: This file and any 3D objects depicted in the file are both my own work. I hereby grant to each user, maker, or distributor of the object depicted in the file a worldwide, royalty-free, fully-paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable and perpetual license at no additional cost under any patent or patent application I own now or in the future, to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and distribute this file and any 3D objects depicted in the file that would otherwise infringe any claims of any patents I hold now or in the future. Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this license and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.
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Scheletro di Focena comune, ''Phocoena phocoena'' (Linnaeus, 1758), modello 3D
Skeleton of Harbour porpoise, ''Phocoena phocoena'' (Linnaeus, 1758), 3D model